Promescent soon available in your local pharmacy
Hi guys, just wanted to share something I found when surfing the web today. As you know or may not know, I have been using Promescent with my PE problem for a while. You can read more about my experience here.
Well, it seems that Promescent is getting more and more popular since even pharmacies are starting to sell it. Check out Soon you will be able to buy the product in 4,500 pharmacies in the USA. Hopefully it will be available in European pharmacies soon as well. Can’t say I’m surprised by this news at all, it is the only FDA approved product that can be used to treat PE, and my own personal results confirm that it works as well.
By now I’ve been using Promescent for quite some time with slightly different outcome. Most of the time it works fine and I can last over 3-4 minutes easy – although I’m not really taking time anymore, heh. However, sometimes I still get too excited and come earlier than I would like. But since it’s not something that happens every time now, I don’t think Andrea minds too much either. Seem to me that our sex life is better now than ever before and we certainly are doing it more than before.
Promescent has made me less nervous about making love. I’m more confident and can enjoy more. This is still not a permanent solution, but I’m working on that as well. I have probably said this before, but if you need a quick fix for the night, Promescent is perfect.
Now that you can get it from a pharmacy, it makes it easier for you. Can’t always plan these things weeks ahead. However, if you still feel embarrassed (as I do) and are not comfortable with buying it form a pharmacy, visit their official website here and place your order online. The product will arrive in a week or two and since it’s packaged in a plain brown box without any indication to what’s inside, you don’t have to worry about anyone finding out.
Good luck