Delay Sprays for Gay Sex
Seems to me that delay sprays would work great for gay men since 1 and 3 men have the same issues with premature ejaculation.
I don’t know exactly how gay men view premature ejaculation. But I do know that most men are curious of how long sex should last, and look for products to help them last longer.
So the first thing I want to do is solicit gay men to email me about this issue – all viewpoints and comments are welcome.
I do have some observations about gay sex, premature ejaculation and the use of the most common solutions, a desensitizing spray.
1. Why wouldn’t gay men have the same issue with PE? It’s a physical issue, not a psychological issue. You have a hyper-sensitive penis or you don’t.
2. I have had anal sex and sure, it feels different than a vagina, but I don’t last any longer during anal sex than vaginal sex.
3. With respect to the use of a desensitizing cream or spray, gay men use desensitizers applied to the anus in order to lessen pain associated with penetration. So why not apply the same desensitizer used on the penis on the anus?
Delay Spray Marketed to Gay Men

I found this product – supposedly designed specifically for gay sex. There’s nothing about it that makes me think it would work better for gay sex than hetero sex. I’m wondering whether it will work at all.