KY Duration Spray Side Effects
K-Y Duration side effects can be divided into medical side effects and sexual side effects. Medical side effects with using KY Duration are rare but sexual side effects are quite likely, even if used properly.
K-Y Duration side effects can be divided into medical side effects and sexual side effects. Medical side effects with using KY Duration are rare but sexual side effects are quite likely, even if used properly.
Promescent is not available at Walgreens. Target is currently the only major chain that carries Promescent. There are a number of independent pharmacies and sex stores that have Promescent. Here’s a detailed list:
There only seems to be two methods of premature ejaculation treatment that really work:
The medical literature concerning premature ejaculation is difficult to follow. It is extremely technical but it makes no sense that it should be that way. In this blog post, I’m going to summarize the 4 types of PE so you can try to determine which type you may have.
Hi Guys. So, I’ll share our experience with Stud100, a very popular delay spray. I have been quite happy with Promescent (read about that test here), but anyone who has bought it knows